Integrating your Stations Data


Integrate your weather station observations into our platform. This integration allows you to leverage real-time data from your own weather stations, enhancing your operational decision-making and efficiency, especially if you have made significant investments in weather infrastructure.

With this feature, you can easily submit your weather observations through an API that supports various data fields from your stations. These observations will be displayed on our platform, providing both historical view and real-time data. A new 'Weather Stations' layer allows you to display station locations, watch their latest observations and have their data integrated into the weather timeline view, giving you a comprehensive and customized view of weather conditions specific to your operations

Weather Station display on the map

Weather Station display on the map


Request Body Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionSample ValueRequiredValidations
titlestringTitle of the observation station"Station 1"No
external_idstringUnique identifier for the observation station"station_001"Yes
observation_timestringDate and time of the observation in ISO 8601 format"2024-07-18T10:00:00Z"Yes
latitudefloatLatitude of the observation location40.7128YesMinimum: -90, Maximum: 90
longitudefloatLongitude of the observation location-74.0060YesMinimum: -180, Maximum: 180
ttlintegerTime-to-live for the observation data in minutes1440NoMinimum: 0, Maximum: 10080
fieldsobjectList of the observed weather parameters and their values. The fields names should be according available weather data layers {"temperature": 22.5, "humidity": 60}Yes
customAttributesobjectList of additional attributes about the observations.[{"key":"observationMethod",
"value": "Manual"}]

Request Example

  "data": [
      "title": "Station 1",
      "external_id": "station_001",
      "observation_time": "2024-07-18T10:00:00Z",
      "latitude": 40.7128,
      "longitude": -74.0060,
      "ttl": 1440,
      "fields": {
        "temperature": 22.5,
        "humidity": 60,
        "windSpeed": 5,
        "windDirection": 180,
        "precipitationType": 1,
        "precipitationIntensity": 0.5,
        "pressureSeaLevel": 1013,
        "visibility": 10,
        "dewPoint": 16,
        "cloudCover": 50
      "customAttributes": [
          "key": "observationMethod",
          "value": "Manual"

Integration Details

To integrate your data you need to have an authorized API key. Please reach out to your account manager to receive the authentication information and any additional integration details.